WPAP Provider/Referral List

Wyoming Professional Assistance Program is building a referral list of Wyoming therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists.  If you have interest in being on our referral list, please email (candicec@wpapro.org) and request a questionnaire.

Wyoming Professional Assistance Program (WPAP) was founded in 1997 to offer a confidential resource to Wyoming professionals with chemical dependency or substance abuse issues. We are not, per se, a treatment organization. Rather, we provide initial triage or intervention, referral into treatment, treatment quality monitoring, and long-term care via a monitoring plan for addiction disorders and their related problems. Recently, WPAP expanded its programming to provide services to professionals with mental or behavioral health issues.

WPAP is designed to encourage professionals throughout the state to seek a recovery program before their condition harms a patient/client or damages their careers through disciplinary action. WPAP currently has contracts to serve the licensees of the Boards of Medicine, Dental Examiners, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Wyoming Supreme Court – Judicial Branch, and Wyoming State Bar.


Candice Cochran, Executive Director
Wyoming Professional Assistance Program
candicec@wpapro.org (PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS)


Janet de Vries

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