Tennessee Bill would allow counselors to deny services

New Wording in TN Hate Bill Opens the Door to Further Discrimination
ACA News Release:  The wording of Tennessee Hate Bill 1840 (SB 1556) was recently changed from permitting counselors to deny services and refer clients based on their own “strongly held religious beliefs” to permitting counselors to deny services and refer clients based on their own “strongly held PERSONAL beliefs?” In other words, everything would be fair game. A counselor doesn’t agree with your sexual identity… turned away. A counselor is offended by your hijab… turned away. A counselor doesn’t agree with your feminist stances… turned away. The list could go on and on. This is in direct violation of the ACA Code of Ethics and will perpetuate serious discriminatory practices in the state of Tennessee. Act now! Contact the Governor of Tennessee, Bill Haslam, at 615-741-2001 or Bill.Haslam@tn.gov or facebook.com/TeamHaslam and tell him to veto Hate Bill 1840 (SB 1556)! Citizens of all states can make their voices heard and send a clear message that this hateful legislation will not be tolerated in Tennessee or any other state


Janet de Vries

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