Research Request

Dear Wyoming Counseling Association Member,

My name is Nathan Willis, and I am a doctoral candidate for a PhD in Counseling and Counselor Education at the University of Florida under the supervision of Hannah Bayne, PhD. Upon Institutional Review Board approval (IRB202201143), the state of Wyoming was randomly selected for participation in my study Counselors’ Moral Foundations and the Relationship to Cultural Humility.

Study participation will entail the completion of an online survey which should take 10- 20 minutes in time to complete. Every 20th participant who elects to participate in the incentive will be given a $20.00 amazon gift card. Your e-mail will be discarded before data analysis to ensure that your responses are not associated with your e-mail.

Your participation is voluntary and confidential. You may withdraw your participation at any time. For any questions or concerns, please email me at Thank you in advance for participating in this study.

If you agree to participate, please click on the following link that will take you to the survey:

Thank you,

Nathan Willis, M.S., Registered Mental Health Counseling Intern

PhD Candidate | Grinter Fellow | Graduate Assistant

Counseling and Counselor Education

College of Education

Amanda Christine DeDiego

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