New Wyoming licensing rules

From the Wyoming Mental Health Professions Licensing Board:

The rules that were proposed and sent through the promulgation process have been approved! The Board sent emails on Feb. 5 to alert you of the formal promulgation process and ability to submit formal public comment as well as notification of an informal comment period to put in your concerns in the fall of 2014. The Board greatly appreciates all that participated! It is a much better process and they are much better rules when the Board hears from the license holders.

You can find the new approved rules on the new website at link below.
The Board would also like to make you aware of some new pages on the website for supervisors and supervisees. The Board hopes these pages will help to answer some questions that have come in and help with the processes of supervisors and supervisees. Please take a look at these pages and please use the forms for supervision on the website as they are evolving to become more efficient and all inclusive.
While we are discussing the “new”, the Board would like to give you a heads up of a new online credentialing system being worked on in the office. This will be an online system and will allow for continued online renewal and the ability to change addresses, and view information received in office for applicants and more. We will send out more information as it is more imminent, sometime in early 2016.
The Board, Michelle and Maxine

Janet de Vries

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