Thesis research on knowledge of LGB issues

From: Alexandria Luxon <>
Date: Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 2:44 PM
Subject: Requesting Help with Master’s Thesis

My name is Alexandria Luxon and I am a second-year graduate student at Towson University. I am currently conducting my Master’s thesis on the topic of therapists’/graduate students’ knowledge of LGB issues. I am reaching out to you for assistance in distributing my study to as many people as possible. The survey lasts approximately 20-30 minutes and there is an opportunity, at the conclusion of the survey, to enter your name into a raffle drawing for a $100 gift card to

I would greatly appreciate it if I could post my online survey on the Wyoming Counseling Association listserve or ask if you would forward the link to both mental health clinicians and graduate students training to become clinicians that are members of Wyoming Counseling Association.

The link to my survey is available below. If have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact myself or the Institutional Review Board Chairperson, Dr. Debi Gartland, Office of University Research Services, 8000 York Road, Towson University, Towson, Maryland 21252; phone (410) 704-2236.

Sincere thanks for your time and assistance.

Alexandria M. Luxon

Clinical Psychology M.A. Candidate

Towson University, 2016

Link to Survey:

Janet de Vries

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